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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Moving on, Moving Home

The past week has been quite a whirlwind!  We moved out of our house, and into a hotel while we wrapped up all the loose ends of our life in England.  We found time to say goodbye to friends and schedule final  playdates and sleepovers.
And then we boarded an Air New Zealand flight (which was so nice I might devote an entire post to it) and found ourselves back in Los Angeles.
After 3.5 years of living overseas, our time is up.  As they say, all good things must come to an end.  I've had a lot of mixed feelings about moving back, and I think that's why I haven't mentioned it here before.
I loved being an expat.  I loved the travel and the cultural experiences.  I loved meeting new people and trying new things.  And I feel so fortunate to have had these opportunities.
I love California too, and it feels like home to be back in America.  We're living in our own house and my big kids started school today.  And everything seems normal.
But I know that I have changed.  I made more of an effort to introduce myself to the other parents standing outside the kindergarten classroom today.  And when I heard a mom with a French accent I felt and instant kinship with her- this stranger in a strange land raising third culture kids.  I know what that's like. I've done it, too.
And so begins the journey of settling back in and making a home in our homeland.  I'm sure there will be some adjustments, but so far, it is good to be home.


  1. Welcome home! I hope the kids have a great school year! (miss you!)

  2. Jenny, I am wishing you and your whole family a smooth transition "home." I am also from Los Angeles, and I am happy for you-- all that sunshine we surely used to take for granted! I have loved following your adventures here in England, and the fun things you posted about have definitely influenced me-- we are still planning a trip to the cliffs of Dover one of these days. I am sure that there is just a lot to process, and I hope you can connect with others that can share your expat experience.

  3. I can imagine how many "mixed feelings" are involved with repatriation! We are most likely heading back to America in the next few months, after 4 years away and I am very reluctant to "go public" with it. I look forward to it, but at the same time I dread it. Strange to feel that way about your own country! But are you are right, we've changed.
    Best of luck with this next stage, I am sure you will look at things differently now, which is not a bad thing!

  4. I love you! That's it. thought you should know. You being an expat brought you into my life and that my dear is one of God's blessings in my life. Your expat experience may have come to an end, but all those friendships you made will endure and your love of exploring and learning from people has not. I look forward to hearing what new things you discover in America. Muito Beijos amor....

  5. oh wow, glad the move home went smoothly!! hope it continues to go well!!

    what an awesome 3.5 years you and your family have had :) tons of memories that will last forever!

  6. Jenny, I've already told you that I enormously enjoyed your very well-written reports about your many and great experiences as an expat. You have seen so much of the world! Now I hope that you have a smooth transition to living back home again. It was wonderful to see you so frequently and it was great to stay with you for those few days in rainy London:-)

  7. I just read this, as I was popping over to invite you to 'Blogger's Tea' in London in October. How I'd love to meet you!

    I hope you all are getting settled now - it looked like you made the most of your time while you were here. I don't know when we'll be called back but it's quite a ride, isn't it?


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